
Congratulations to all 2009 Junior TIMD participants

Congratulations to all members of NGIS Tong Il Moo Doo Team for having garnered the overall champion during the 1st NGIS TMD Junior Tournament. Truly, you make us proud of your accomplishment. You brought honor to our school not only by winning the event but by promoting the good character of a true Newgenean. The delegates from different places particularly the Cabantuan and Antipolo Teams express satisfaction of the well behave students of NGIS.

Likewise I would give thanks to all teachers and staff who have done the great job of facilitating the event. Your support was valuable to the success of the entire tournament.

My thanks to the City Government headed by Mayor Melencio De Sagun by providing us the ambulance and the medical team heade by Dr. Roxas. Also my salute to the senior black belt who has showed great example of a true black belt in skills and in heart by conducting a fair and smooth process of the tournament.

My heartfelt gratitude to all honorary black belts who supported the event. Most especially Prof. Rizalino David, your presence was so heartwarming it revives the sleeping nerves of an old blackball who have long awaited to have a greater martial community and whose vision was to mold a perfect individual by becoming a black belt. As the saying goes “once a black belt, a black belt forever”. We don’t have the guts to physically do it anymore but with us providing our children the environment of growth we can still realize that dream.

I would like to give my personal thanks to Master Venus Agustin who supported us all along the way from the mat equipment to being the Chief Judge of the entire tournament.

Looking forward for the next year tournament. Thanks for the experience

Mario M. Guy
OIC Principal - NGIS

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